
Definitely hoomesick

Having a bad headache since this afternoon, I can barely study well right now. While everyone are hanging out with their friends or just catching up in the nearest food shop, I’m just laying on bed, re-watching some fancy-bored Korean sitcoms, or just daydreaming.

It’s been 3 weeks I take an IELTS course whatsoever in this village. At first, I couldn’t resist to not being hyper-exciting amateur student. I often came to the class on time, mostly the first one though the class was started 30 minutes later. Well, it was tolerable I think, considering that that was the very first meetings. But now, to be honest, I’m totally annoyed with all those people. For god’s sake where is your discipline and attitude guys? Don’t you have any respect for those who had strong willing to study on this course? Doh.

Couple of days ago, I met a guy, my classmate, older than me. He said that he used to work at some foreign company in the middle of nowhere in Australia. He went back to this country to improve his IELTS score. But suddenly he was no longer join the class for some reason. I heard that he intended to visit his child who was sick. Well this guy was a totally liar. I assumed it after I saw him in the junction while I was riding my bike. I have no idea with those who ‘littering’ their money easily without any hesitation toward something that it was unreachable for some people. It was frustrating when I realized I’ve spent much money for such a language skill improvements. Before I continue it, sorry to say, I lose my respect for those kind of people.

Obviously, working on something are better in pairs or larger number of involved persons. I got 5 on speaking band score.  I wonder how could that happened after all that I’ve been through in this village. Taking a plenty of speaking courses, pronunciation, camp-programme and whatsoever. Then I recall everything I’ve done over the last 2 months. As it turns out, dealing with this circumstances is far harder than I though. Responding to self-improvement things, we will never how far we walk unless we have someone else who care for us and always be there wherever we go.

I skipped this afternoon class. I guess I need some time to not get involve in every ielts-related. 


Belajar Ingggris

November 1st

I had ielts scoring this morning and it was messed up. To be honest, I could barely expected the test would be that hard. It's a little bit depressing.


November 6th

The 2nd scoring test was totally messed up, writing section specifically. Probably it's more depressing than the last scoring a week ago. Though I've tried to improve all 4 section over the last 2 weeks, the result even getting worse. I got 6 on speaking, but 5.5 in average. Sure I'm not gonna give up. I'll study harder til I make band above 6. Last night when i was having my first conversation with native speaker Mr. Alex, he gave me recommendation regarding to my way of studying IELTS. He told me to keep the way of my study, don't be the average people. 


November 7th

An I the last person who realize that persib is going trough to the final? It unbelievable yet unpredictable. Unfortunately I couldn't join the euphoria which is happening in bandung right now. All i can do is just say my prayer.

Anyway, i can't wait for the end of this month. The more i wait the more I couldn't handle my feeling. Rinjani wait for me.


Duh nulis segitu saja ngabisin waktu 1.5 jam. Belajar otodidak itu memusingkan. Kadang saya iri sama teman-teman yang punya cukup biaya buat ambil course intensive. Tapi apalah daya, kerja saja belum. Hehe... Mungkin sebaiknya saya mencari partner yang bisa membantu saya improve skill. Atau mungkin bisa sama-sama improve. Toh tidak sedikit kasus yang menceritakan sepasang kekasih yang berjuang bersama mencapai beasiswa atau semacamnya. Ya...kan katanya, the chosen one will complete you, and vice versa.

Trip Intergalaksi

Selasa, 23 Juni 2020 03.22 dini hari Kisah ini saya tulis begitu bangun tidur dari mimpi yang tidak akan pernah saya lupakan. Mimpi yan...